Yeah I'm not spending the night. I changed my mind and went home. I was feeling a little homesick. Last week I spent the entire time down at my Grandma's and only saw my dad, because everyone else had something they needed to do in Sebring, and then I came home Sunday, but I didn't stay long because I had to go to Rin's house. Yeah Grell understands, but Rin doesn't.
Well like I said it has been a very long time since I've posted. I was down at my Grandma's last week for the ENTIRE week. It was fun, but I didn't have any internet access so it got a little boring at times. Right now I'm at Emma's house since I spent the night. And then tonight I'm spending the night at Amanda's house and Emma is coming too.
Ok first I'm pissed that Rin messed with that post -.-. And second Natalie I am sorry about what I put about the rest of them not wanting to be your friend. I am. I was really angry when I wrote it and a little tired so I couldn't really think straight enough to know what I was really typing. I am sorry about that. And Rin...... -.-...... what am I going to do with you? I didn't tell you guys that much...... Just pointed some things out. And then you guys started noticing it and blah blah blah. All the rest of the stuff we know.
Rin = Yellow
Listen Natalie it's not like we just decided in a single second ' Oh lets break off the 'friendship' we have with Natalie.' No it was throughout the entire year. Everyone else feels the same. It's just not us. Len, Yin, Grell, and even River didn't want to be friends with you anymore. Well not that you were friends with River, but I'm getting off subject. How do you know? O.o And you weren't wrong. We were. We thought you were are friend until you stop hanging out with us. You could've made it work, but of course you didn't. Oh and Grace the full story thing I think you lied because Natalie used the contact form asking me what she did wrong. Yep. You did not tell her about the post I put up telling her all the crap she did and then deleted it, because I didn't want to get a headache from it. Maybe you shouldn't have deleted it.... Wouldn't matter now anyways, because I'm still getting headaches from this. I have some Advil.... Just ask them and they will tell you. And I didn't tell them anything bad about you Natalie. I didn't tell any detailed horror stories or anything. They thought this all on their own. Wrong! She told us, but we went along with it.... I didn't put any thoughts into their minds or words in their mouths. >.> Uh-huh. Just ask them and they will tell you. *Note heavy sarcasm* Of COURSE we will!

Hello.... Rin here... The stupid website wont let me make a new post so I'm adding to this one... Natalie, first, why would you name a baby after me?! I mean, I love the fact you did, cause that's really sweet, but, you're just ASKING for an evil munchkin! *I hold no responsibility for the way the child acts when older*  Ciel was the first to notice that you weren't hanging out with us as much, because she hung out with you the most, but we all figured it out sooner or later.... Even that thickheaded River. *I don't CARE if you're reading this, River.... >.>* I don't hate you, and neither does anybody else. We just think we are acquaintances now. We don't think of you as an enemy... Well I don't know about Ciel.... Nobody knows what goes through her blonde head...... *I know you're reading this Ciel, I don't care.... >.>* Natalie, if you still want to be my friend, be my guest. I have a million friends I haven't talked to in years. And I'm 13.... O.o... But I just told Grace all that stuff because she won't shut her big fat trap and she is seriously giving me a migraine. I would appreciate it if you would tell her to stop.... I'm trying to be nice here, but she's threatening to bitch slap us.... ?.... Anyways. Just letting you know my side of the story. Oh, and please leave Len, River (however much I despise him), Yin, Grell, Neru, and Lizzy out of this. They did/said nothing. It was me and Ciel. They agree you never hang out with us, but they didn't say that you weren't their friend. Thanks! ~*^^Rin out^^*~ 
Oh my god I said your name. What are you going to do now? I'm shaking. And what obvious truth is there? Natalie clearly showed that she didn't want to be friends with us anymore and I ended it. Right now you are just making it worst for her by doing this. And you didn't tell her the whole story did you? You didn't tell her about the post I put up and deleted did you? What kind of friend are you that you don't give your 'best friend' the entire story? And learn how to spell pretty. Also instead of leaving all these comments and shit on my site shouldn't you be comforting Natalie if she is so upset? Also if you were a true friend you would step back and let Natalie fight her own battles. You are just making her look weak by doing this. Making it look like she can't fight.
Just because Ashlee is our friend doesn't mean she is actually a pepsi ninja. On the friends page if the person's name has this * next to their name means they are a pepsi ninja. Ashlee doesn't have one next to hers. And FYI it's not a cult. We just love pepsi and ninjas. So please stop being a bitch and get off my site.
Ok so this weekend I'm going over to my friend Rin's house for a sleepover knowing her and how crazy we all are it's going to be a few days. On Friday we are going to have a scary movie marathon. One of those movies will be Juon. It's a creepy movie. I haven't watched yet, but by what I've heard it's pretty scary. I've seen videos of this guy playing a video game for that movie. Even the video game was scary, but the guy's commentary was so freaking hilarious. Well basically this Friday I'm more than likely shit my pants so bye.

Rin says - Yeah we probably will shit our pants. Grell might be coming so  I bet we'll have another funny commentary.... Also, Yin can come for the movies! We have to take her home after that, but that's okay. Lizzie can't come because she's going to SeaWorld, but she'll try and have another scary movie night on the next Friday. Fun, right? Rin out!
Sadly, today marks the three year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death. Such a wonderful man. Most people misunderstood why his skin got lighter. They say he bleached it, because he didn't like being black. Well for all the uninformed idiots out there he actually had a disease called vitiligo. I did some research on it. It's a disease that kills the cells in your skin that makes pigment. He didn't have universal vitiligo, but so he wouldn't look like a dalmatian he used makeup to cover it up. He started off using dark makeup then switched to lighter makeup as the disease will turn your skin almost porcelain. And the molestation charges? He never met the family and they admitted that they lied for money. He only loved children so much, because he never had a childhood and he can see what he missed through them. He had a piss poor father too. He was always beating him and making fun of him. I forget where I saw it, but I think it was an interview of him where he said one time he got so mad at his father when he was a kid he took his shoe off and threw it at his head. He then ran, because he knew he was going to get hurt. And his father wanted his voice to stay as high as it was so he gave him female hormones. What kind of father is that? Michael touched so many hearts with his music and all he wanted to do was bring people together in peace and love. He loved to dance and sing. He was an inspiration to many. So keep listening to his music and wearing fedoras. Rest in Peace Michael 
August 29, 1958- June 25,2009
I did leave a post saying all the shit you did, but of course Grace got all pissy with it so I deleted it not wanting to get a headache from it. And FYI I'm not the only one who feels this way. Ask Len, Rin, Yin, and River. They feel the same. Also check Rin's site she has a post for you and Grace.
Rin's site ~
Rin - The title sounds wrong LOL
Ciel- I'll fix it!
curse you rin
*Innocent face* Changed what?


    I love to read and write and cook. I love my family and friends except for one who is starting to get on my nerves and I'm like a cat, mess with them and prepare to feel claws. I can cook pretty well. I have a wicked sense of humor. I hate lima beans and peas so never offer me either. I love chocolate. I also love to play basketball. I also love Black Butler, and Michael Jackson music. Long live the King of Pop.


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    Ciel- RIN!!!!!
