Rin = Yellow
Listen Natalie it's not like we just decided in a single second ' Oh lets break off the 'friendship' we have with Natalie.' No it was throughout the entire year. Everyone else feels the same. It's just not us. Len, Yin, Grell, and even River didn't want to be friends with you anymore. Well not that you were friends with River, but I'm getting off subject. How do you know? O.o And you weren't wrong. We were. We thought you were are friend until you stop hanging out with us. You could've made it work, but of course you didn't. Oh and Grace the full story thing I think you lied because Natalie used the contact form asking me what she did wrong. Yep. You did not tell her about the post I put up telling her all the crap she did and then deleted it, because I didn't want to get a headache from it. Maybe you shouldn't have deleted it.... Wouldn't matter now anyways, because I'm still getting headaches from this. I have some Advil.... Just ask them and they will tell you. And I didn't tell them anything bad about you Natalie. I didn't tell any detailed horror stories or anything. They thought this all on their own. Wrong! She told us, but we went along with it.... I didn't put any thoughts into their minds or words in their mouths. >.> Uh-huh. Just ask them and they will tell you. *Note heavy sarcasm* Of COURSE we will!

Hello.... Rin here... The stupid website wont let me make a new post so I'm adding to this one... Natalie, first, why would you name a baby after me?! I mean, I love the fact you did, cause that's really sweet, but, you're just ASKING for an evil munchkin! *I hold no responsibility for the way the child acts when older*  Ciel was the first to notice that you weren't hanging out with us as much, because she hung out with you the most, but we all figured it out sooner or later.... Even that thickheaded River. *I don't CARE if you're reading this, River.... >.>* I don't hate you, and neither does anybody else. We just think we are acquaintances now. We don't think of you as an enemy... Well I don't know about Ciel.... Nobody knows what goes through her blonde head...... *I know you're reading this Ciel, I don't care.... >.>* Natalie, if you still want to be my friend, be my guest. I have a million friends I haven't talked to in years. And I'm 13.... O.o... But I just told Grace all that stuff because she won't shut her big fat trap and she is seriously giving me a migraine. I would appreciate it if you would tell her to stop.... I'm trying to be nice here, but she's threatening to bitch slap us.... ?.... Anyways. Just letting you know my side of the story. Oh, and please leave Len, River (however much I despise him), Yin, Grell, Neru, and Lizzy out of this. They did/said nothing. It was me and Ciel. They agree you never hang out with us, but they didn't say that you weren't their friend. Thanks! ~*^^Rin out^^*~ 

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    I love to read and write and cook. I love my family and friends except for one who is starting to get on my nerves and I'm like a cat, mess with them and prepare to feel claws. I can cook pretty well. I have a wicked sense of humor. I hate lima beans and peas so never offer me either. I love chocolate. I also love to play basketball. I also love Black Butler, and Michael Jackson music. Long live the King of Pop.


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